Location UpdateeWe have had a change of venue Newberg Armory 620 N Morton in Newberg Human Trafficking Awareness |
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Member Meeting
6:00 to 7:30 pm First Thursday of the Month except July & August First Federal Community Room and Zoom .Board Meetings 6:00-8:00 pm
Third Thursday of the month First Federal Community Room and Zoom Email Debby Liew for information All members are welcome, please let the secretary know you want to attend. Soroptimist International of Chehalem Valley, is part of a global organization that works to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment, will present a $1,000 Soroptimist Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women (formerly the Soroptimist Women’s Opportunity Awards) to help a local woman improve her economic situation. For more information click here. |